My work “best friend” does more than 50% of my tasks and helps me complete more than 60% more work every week. I am excited to see how much more I can make it do.

ChatGPT by is the fastest publicly adopted technology ever, reaching over 100 million users just two months after its launch date!  

I knew immediately that ChatGPT was powerful, but I didn’t fully grasp its’ potential for about eight months. First, I had to learn how to use it, command it, and feed it information. Once I did, though, the real fun started. 

Just shy of a year after Generative AI (artificial intelligence) launched, I was utilizing it in more than 50% of my tasks at work. AI helps me write articles and press releases, check for plagiarism, rewrite for clarity, and even create full-stack marketing workflows for account-based marketing (ABM). What used to take days or weeks now requires just a single afternoon. 

So, of course I wondered, ‘What else can I do with AI?’  

Quite a lot, actually. I learned how to create AI images from simple prompts through widely used design platforms like Canva, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. And I can turn articles into shareable videos on social media through AI text-to-video platforms like and InVideo. Again, tasks that would require days and days of editing now take under an hour to complete. 

In fact, not a single day goes by that I don’t leverage the power of AI in my work.  

While some may find this utterly terrifying, I find it thrilling. By learning how to strategically utilize AI in my marketing plan, I can produce more than 60% more work in the same amount of time. That turns my time into an even more valuable resource, thereby increasing my work security. 

 My experience is in line with a Microsoft Report about an emerging AI-employee alliance.

Importantly, the report also notes that employees are not the only ones embracing AI. When business leaders were asked what they would most value about AI in the workplace, they were twice as likely to choose ‘increasing employee productivity’ than ‘reducing headcount.’

Bottom line: I am not the least bit worried about being replaced by AI.   

Generative AI isn’t “smart” enough to run on its own without being manually setup to do so. Even if it reaches that point – which is a real possibility, and sooner rather than later – AI will still require an individual (a.k.a. an actual human) to strategically implement it into the organization. 

AI is a tool, much like a paintbrush or a chisel. In the hands of a skilled craftsperson who knows how to use it, the tool becomes almost magical. At The Olinger Group, we have several AI apprentices and future master artists who are quickly adapting AI into their market research tool belts, directly benefiting our team internally and our clients externally. 

Contact us at to learn more about how teams at The Olinger Group are adopting and utilizing AI, and how it can directly benefit your future research.


Categories: generative ai employee efficiencies, ai in market research, AI Efficiencies in The Workplace /

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