The Olinger Group Blog

Let’s Get Coffee …

Written by Meg Scott | Jun 2, 2022 1:00:00 PM

If you know me, then you know I will always say ‘yes’ to coffee (and the answer to ‘cream or sugar’ is always ‘never’!). But caffeine intake habits aside, ‘coffee’ is synonymous with talking.

Conversations during a coffee break can run the full gamut: business to personal; serious to silly; and important to insignificant. As wonderful as a good cup of Joe is, the whole point of a coffee break is to connect with someone else.

So, what happens when those opportunities to talk and connect disappear?

In March 2020, life and business as we knew it took a hard left turn. Like many companies, our entire team at The Olinger Group went remote. We had to immediately and simultaneously set up a home office, figure out how to keep the business going, write new policies, care for our families, and try to wrap our brains around what was happening.

Pendulum swings

The mental whiplash was real. As a result, we were constantly on the phone with each other. We needed to talk business. We needed reassurance. We desperately needed some semblance of familiarity.

But the constant stream of Zoom meetings and phone calls quickly led to fatigue and burnout.

So, we tried another approach. It turns out that “Only if it’s urgent” isn’t a great policy for deciding when to reach out either.

Can anyone relate?

Now, two years later, we are trying to find a way to balance the need for personal connection and office productivity. The answer of how to do that is not as simple as it once was.

The extroverts on our team went back to the office, people moved away, and we have fully embraced the hybrid work environment. Also, business is booming for us, and we were able to grow our team. (Yay for that!) But how do you gel with teammates that you seldom see or have never met in person? How do we stay healthy and thrive in this new environment?

Living our specialty

One of our specialties at The Olinger Group is offering Health & Wellness market research insights. Every day, we support brands that help other people live well. But the first step in helping others is to take care of yourself.

That’s why I am excited about a new company initiative that we rolled out on June 1st. At the beginning of every month, team member pairings are announced, and we’re encouraged to schedule a coffee break or lunch together. By the early spring, each of us will have spent unstructured, quality time with everyone on our team.

We are starting with just once per month, but the goal is that this initiative encourages more spontaneous reach out.

Our small team is literally spread out from coast to coast. We can’t pop into each other’s office or wave as we pass in the hallway, and impromptu chats and let's-grab-lunch opportunities don’t happen very often. But we need that connection. So, we are doing it virtually.

As a company, we are investing in supporting our people, strengthening our relationships, and finding a work/life balance. We are investing in our health and wellness.

We are also open to new ideas. What is your company doing to support employee health and wellness? Leave a comment below, and we can all learn from each other.