Live Authentically; Live Well

Market ResearchLive WellAuthentic Life

Live Authentically; Live Well

Coming out of COVID, many people did a self-reflection and took the opportunity to change some core elements of their lives. Here at The Olinger Group (TOG), we did the same thing.

In 2022, we realized that we no longer wanted to work as a generalist firm. Instead, we wanted a higher purpose, something worth getting out of bed for. So, we got hyper-focused and specialized in three verticals that made us happy: Health & Wellness, Luxury Travel, and Luxury Brands.

Then we realized that those three specialties all have a common thread the desire to live well. That realization prompted us to continue our evolution as a company. In 2023, TOG is shifting our focus from the details to the big picture. 

We are now running all our research results through a “Living Well” lens.

Living well – our definition

“Living well is a state of mind,” said Michael Vasquez, our Director of Sales. “It is being mentally healthy and happy. It is living in alignment with your core values. If you live authentically, you live well.”

TOG founder and CEO, Jude Olinger, is a prime example.

“My passion is making memories,” he said. “Living well to me means that at every stage in your life, you are taking advantage of those opportunities to make memories.”

Jude explained how he lives his passion, or authentic life, in a previous blog, “Always pick the Maserati!”

Like Jude, consumers are creating their own definition of “living well.” Some common definitions that we see in our research are:

  • Being pampered because you work hard and deserve it
  • Keeping your family safe, happy, and connected
  • Being adventurous and trying new things

“Living well” all boils down to what consumers aspire to be. Whether they are currently there in each area of their life or not, it is the perspective through which they make decisions.

Living well – brand opportunities

While their goals may be aspirational, people’s desire to live well is not.

“People expect to live well,” said Chanttel Allen, TOG’s Managing Director. “They are trying to live well, and they are making decisions based on that expectation. That creates great opportunities for brands to meet them in this space of living well.”


  • Figure out how to create an emotional connection between your brand and your consumers’ authentic life

  • Show consumers how your brand supports their definition of “living well”

  • Make your brand an integral, daily part of that lifestyle

  • Elevate your brand by giving it a higher purpose

Big opportunities often require big changes and/or a new perspective. It can feel overwhelming, but the end results are definitely worth it. We know; we’ve been through the process and are enjoying the other side.

Our “living well” lens, personal experience, and research expertise can get you here, too.

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Categories: Market Research, Live Well, Authentic Life /

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