A Q&A With New VP Of Client Solutions

Market ResearchLiving WellClient Solutions

A Q&A With New VP Of Client Solutions

Meet Stu Cohen, The Olinger Group’s new Vice President of
Client Solutions.

How did you get into Client Solutions?

Well, I started my career in advertising, and someone there told me my personality was perfect for a client-facing sales role. (I love meeting people and revel in conversation.) I said yes to a sales position in 2001 and never looked back. Six years later, I moved into Client Solutions in market research.

What’s the difference?

In a sales role, I sold products. Today, I help create solutions that deliver better outcomes for clients.

Market research is cerebral, which is fun and challenging. Clients hire The Olinger Group because they want a strategic partner to help solve a business issue or pain point. The tricky thing is being able to see past the obvious pain point to identify the real, underlying challenge to ensure the best outcome. And that is where my expertise lies.

I excel in the art of conversation. I really enjoy the discovery process and talking to people, combining their industry expertise with my knowledge of market research.

It’s especially rewarding when we drill deep enough into the challenge that the experts need to pause and think. That’s because sometimes in the early stages of discovery when we put our heads together and review all existing data, we realize we don’t have the answers yet.

In other words, when you don’t know what you don’t know, you can’t move forward or solve the problem. As a Client Solutions expert, I help people figure out what they don’t know and then get them on a path to find their answers through market research.

You have been in client solutions for Market Research for more than 15 years. Why did you decide to join The Olinger Group?

 That’s a great question. And the answer is Live Well™.

I didn’t know that term existed until I researched The Olinger Group and read about what they created. I have lived by the principle for a long time and now have a definition for it. Basically, I know what makes me happy, and I give that a high priority in my life.

For example, I am an avid fisherman and a part-time musician. Those activities are more than just hobbies to me; they are how I define myself. And in true Live Well™ fashion, I instinctively support brands that understand this concept and authentically align with me.

Which means, I don’t just want a fishing reel; I want the reel. I want the experience. The pride. The feeling that everything is as it should be.

My life and my decisions reflect who I am. I live well, and I want to help others do the same.

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