Want to know a secret? It’s one that all mothers everywhere know and feel at a cellular level, but they can’t say it out loud because it might make them sound like a bad mother.

This secret affects their mental, emotional, and physical health, and it can have a marked impact on everyone in their family. It is always – always! – there. But so is the taboo. The “good mothers don’t say this” pressure that seems to come from all angles.

I am so honored that several women trusted me with their secret recently. We were in qualitative market research focus groups, and these incredibly brave women opened up, went deep, and freely discussed the mom secret.

Are you ready?

Moms need help, too.

So simple. So basic.
So deep. So profound.
It is almost earth-shattering.

Moms need help, too.

Struggle of the juggle

Moms take care of everybody. They work (inside or outside of the home), clean the house, wipe noses, run errands, make dinner, pack lunches, fold laundry, pay bills, and on and on and on. It never ends.

As a mom, your kids and family come first. Your health and well-being slip down (or off!) your priority list, and feeling ragged and worn out becomes the norm.

It was interesting listening to the women in the focus groups. I felt like the bar was very low for their own personal health. If they didn’t have any major health problems, then they were good. It was almost like: ‘I am not chronically ill, so that means I am healthy.’

And yet, they were exhausted and overwhelmed and emotional. This was especially pronounced after the birth of a new baby. Moms in our focus groups said they felt like all focus had turned to the baby and they had been forgotten. There was no one in their corner; no one taking care of them.

Every single woman in the room wanted someone to care about her personal needs. Every. Single. One.

Even just the idea of having support was enough to get them excited.

Live Well™

Everyone, regardless of their socio-economic level, wants to have a great life experience. Sure, going on vacations and eating out is nice, but so is getting enough sleep, sharing the load, and knowing that someone is there and ready to help you.

The women in these focus groups shared deeply personal stories. I was blown away by their willingness to go there. They shared their stories with me and with each other. And when they left, they thanked me for giving them an opportunity and a safe place to talk.

It was almost like a therapy session. When you get that type of conversation and that level of honesty, you know you have hit people at an emotional level. As a moderator, that is so rewarding.

Projects like this one make me feel like I am doing something good. I am part of something bigger that is going to make peoples’ lives better. It goes beyond marketing and business and sales.

This is Live Well. This is as real as it gets.

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Categories: Qualitative Research, Focus Groups, Living Well /

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